X Party

Listas Abiertas Partido X

Citizens’ Network X Party’s Method to Create Open Lists

Citizens’ X Party‘s Method to create Open Lists

It is not about changing faces, but about changing the way of doing things.

Citizens’ Network has designed a method for creating citizens’ open lists, which was developed to find honest skilled qualified people, capable of defending our interests.

This is how we developed the process:

Candidates proposal

Anyone can propose a maximum of 5 people considered by him/her as competent and with a desire to defend the Roadmap and the working method of the Citizens’ Network X Party.

In the same way, participants from the Citizens’ Network can propose their own network peers as candidates.

Captura de pantalla de 2014-03-24 21:57:07

Further information: An imperfect world and clarification on citizens’ open lists.

Prioritizing pre-candidates

A voting tool is available, so that any citizen can weigh the proposed candidates according to the following criteria:

  • Knowledge and affinity with the Citizens’ Network X Party programme
  • Knowledge and affinity with the Citizens’ Network X Party working method
  • Competences of the person in his/her subjects
  • Proven career in common good
  • Ability to make explanations in public
  • Ability to talk about his/her non-competent matters with responsibility, humility and without lying.
  • Ability dealing with people
    • Knowledge of English (or French, or any other foreign language)
    • Knowledge of European mechanisms and institutions
    • Compulsory parity criteria to shape lists where women and men appear equally


        All the pre-candidates with 25% or higher weighted support from the participants, are contacted to notify them that they have been appointed to defend this roadmap and these

conditions of Member of the European Parliament from the Citizens’ Network

        , and after checking the minimum requirements, they will go on to the Shooting stage.

All interested candidates accepting to defend these objectives, as well as the conditions of Member of the European Parliament from the Citizens’ Network, and after verifying their basic requirements, will go through shooting stage.

Shooting stage, public event for candidates evaluation

Candidates participate in an open broadcast live event on the Internet, where anyone can ask questions. These questions can be proposed by whoever, both by on-site people and by virtual participations through questions prioritized via Internet.


Weighting: candidates evaluation by the users involved in the Citizens’ Network X Party.

Users involved in the Citizens’ Network X Party (user = anyone proactive with the project) can participate in the candidate evaluation by selecting the capable people to shape the Open citizen list, and they are allowed to evaluate as many candidates as they want.
It is everyone’s responsibility to evaluate accordingly to an aim and to the selected criteria.

Candidates with at least 25% of evaluated support by participants become part of the final list, which might be adjusted depending on some criteria, such as the indicated by the Electoral Law in terms of parity.
If necessary, final positions on the list will be completed with volunteers from the Citizens Network, whose position on the list will be determined randomly.


Ponderación Listas Abiertas


End Phase: Configuring of the Definitive List for the European Elections of 2014

We have assembled the definitive list aiming to maintain it as close as possible to the results of the weighting process of the Citizen´s Open List after the «trial-by-fire» sparring that the candidates undertook on the 23rd of March.

Some recent adjustments have been applied to the weighting results in order to: zipper list A to list B; to check whether the applicants agreed with their position on the list; adjust requirements according to the Electoral Law, e.g. in respect of parity; and to check for the last time all the above mentioned criteria accordingly to the objectives and method.

The changes made correspond to the following criteria:

1– The ratio between internal and external candidates has been balanced, alternating candidates from List B and List A.

2Gender Equality law , according to which it is necessary to maintain a ratio between genders, which implies a minimum of 40% and a maximum of 60% of candidates from each gender, for every 5 candidates. That is, 2 men and 3 women for each 5 candidates, or vice-versa. Due to this, some of the female candidates have ascended positions in order to meet these criteria.
3-Variations asked by the applicants themselves:

– Raul Burillo, accordingly to what was expressly stated in the conditions for creating the Citizen´s Open list, has requested to be moved to a 3rd position.

He expressed his thanks for all of those who participated in the voting of the lists and the trust he has received from the Network; however he did not accept a result in which he stood higher in the list than other members of the Network which, under his own judgement, have contributed more intensively to making this project possible. Specifically, he mentioned another candidate: Simona Levi (part of the Developers group), which he believes should stand before him in the definitive list.


– Juan Garay Amores effectively renounced to his position in the list and the candidacy representing the Citizen´s Network X Party due to issues of availability and conflicts with his professional career. He expressed his wish to remain as a consultant of the Network in his competencies.

– Marcelo Expósito expressed his wish to be located after Juan Moreno Yague, due to his seniority within the Citizen´s Network X Party.

4– As expected, the remaining positions were completed by volunteers from within the Citizens’ Network, which must, in any case, meet the same criteria demanded to those candidates who took part in the «trial-by-fire»sparring event.

Considering all the above, the definitive list for the European Elections of the 25th of May of 2014 representing the Citizen´s Network X Party is:

  1. Hervé Falciani – Lista B – 100%
  2. Simona Levi – Lista B – 96%
  3. Raúl Burillo – Lista A – 96%
  4. Susana Martín – Lista A – 75%
  5. Sergio Salgado – Lista B – 79%
  6. Juan Moreno Yagüe – Lista B – 77%
  7. Marcelo Expósito – Lista A – 52%
  8. Daniel Pérez Grande – Lista B – 56%
  9. Leonor Pérez Zafón – Lista B – 33%
  10. Nieves Montaño – Lista B – 23%
  11. Joaquín Pagola – Lista B – 48%
  12. Raúl Royo – Lista B – 37%
  13. Jose Luís Porcar – Lista B – 31%

  15. Patricia Duarte Carrafiello
  16. Maria Ferrer-Vidal Diaz del Riguero
  17. Pastora Millán Moya
  18. Mª Amparo Ramírez Morcillo
  19. Javier Toret Medina
  20. Pau López Triquell
  21. Alfonso Sánchez Moreno
  22. Anna Gordillo Torras
  23. Bárbara Sánchez Flores
  24. Miguel Aguilera Lizarraga
  25. Rafael Berlanga Tabernero
  26. Juan Collado Rojo
  27. Alicia Maria Ruiz Aranda
  28. Pilar Gonzalez Cid
  29. Carmelo Ordóñez Sanabria
  30. Alberto López Rubio
  31. Florencio Cabello Fernández-Delgado
  32. María del Pino Pérez Moreno
  33. Murielle Ingrid Medina Denoux
  34. Jose Luis Palacios Guerrero
  35. Luis Herves Carrasco
  36. Javier Gallego Rodríguez
  37. Mª Montserrat Padrón Capote
  38. Miriam Lorente Quirantes
  39. Armando Nieto Díaz
  40. Jesús Madero Pérez
  41. Rafael Cubiles Gutiérrez
  42. Tamara Isabel López Castillo
  43. Marta Felipe Soria
  44. Jesús Maria Herruzo Luque
  45. Jose ignacio Vallejo Segura
  46. David Ruiz Rodriguez
  47. Carmen Cordero Fernández
  48. Benita Josefa Salgado Rivero
  49. Pedro José Rosa Romero
  50. Jose Manuel Pumarega Conde
  51. Lucía Bentué Gómez
  52. Sofía González Salgado
  53. Isabel María Flores Lorenzo
  54. Luis Molero Queipo
  55. Jonatan Rodriguez Arcas


  • Isabel Sánchez Flores
  • Rubén Sáez Fraile


Further information about candidates passing the «trial-by-fire» sparring event and about the campaing team..
