X Party

29 marzo, 2014
A new method has been created by organised citizens in order to win over the space held by traditional political parties and establish a real democracy. This is Citizens’ Network X Party. Here you can find out how it works and what it consists of.

These are the most frequent questions addressed to us:


# What is the X Party?

The X Party is a Citizens’ Network that has built a rigorous and efficient method with the purpose of returning sovereign power to the citizens.
It is the lever that lifts the institutional barriers allowing just reform projects, proposed by the civil society, to be carried out. In order to establish a real democracy the Citizens’ Network X Party will step into Parliament to open its doors to citizens.

It is not a forum for discussion. It is a network gathering co-responsible citizens who federate skills with the goal of coming out of the hole in which current politicians have thrown us. Amongst all the different fronts open by our society to change things, this method has been developed to tackle the renewal of democracy.

# Is this the 15-M movement’s official Party?

Most of the people, though by no means all, belonging to the Citizens’ Network X Party actively participate or feel part of the 15-M movement.
15-M movement represents a collective expression of rejection to the functioning of our public institutions and political parties, who have forgotten citizens’ real sovereignty. It is an historical event with a strong emotional baggage which is largely shared by our society.
One of the characteristics of the 15-M movement is that it does not want to be and cannot be represented by any political party. Any party declaring the movement as part of its own will only do so in order to try to manipulate the current political landscape
Many different instruments have emerged from the spirit of 15-M to cover multiple fronts.
The X Party is one of them. Through this instrument we want to participate in the electoral arena for those who, like us, believe this is a battle worth to be fought.
Let’s make a 15-M movement in the electoral scenario!

# What are its goals?

1. Conquering «Just Democracy» means giving sovereignty back to citizens through 4 mechanisms through which to be able to control public institutions, governments and legislative chambers. What is happening nowadays shall not happen again.
The mechanisms are:

  • Transparency in public administration
  • Wikigovernment and wikilegislations
  • Real and permanent voting rights
  • Binding and mandatory referendum

These mechanisms were already tested and implemented in other countries (*except for the real and permanent voting rights, which are only exercised by current members of Parliament).
[Please, read them carefully at . Real Democracy is found in the details and not in demagogic slogans with which we can all agree without thinking].

2. We want to implement an Emergency Plan against the Crisis for the citizens, not for governments, banks or big corporations.

In all our contents, we present solutions which are already developed and tested by experts from the civil society and the scientific community, and which are watched over by committed citizens. These contents just need to be integrated and implemented accordingly.

# Why was this movement created?

We are standing up because we, as citizens, are facing the emergency of having to do the work our political class is not doing. The government is making decisions ignoring the needs and requests of the society; the solutions that our society is putting on the table are being frustrated by public institutions in collusion with other interests which are far from being the common good.

# Is this a real political Party?

Yes, and we are taking this very seriously.

Two are the entities which compose our method:

1. The X Party, political Party of the Future, which has been duly entered into the Register of Political Parties at the Ministry of Interior. This will allow us to run for the elections when we consider it appropriate.
2. The active and operational part which is the one you are seeing now. Our website, Facebook and Twitter profiles, the Citizen’s Network, this is who we are: we all are part of a communication, action and working group, a large citizen’s pressure group decided to win over the real democracy of the 21st Century.

# What is the ideology of the X Party, Party of the Future?

The X Party’s ideology is common sense.
We, the people who organize ourselves in networks to act, have observed that people cooperating with Citizens’ Network X Party, have in our actions common principles with some human initiatives that are pushing the internet and the World further, such as free software and free culture or scientific community.

We assert that these principles, around which the internet has been built, and that are changing the way of doing politics, do not correspond exactly to any ideology, doctrine or philosophy, but rather constitute a pragmatic methodology.

A cooperative, respectful and effective “way of doing”, that can be applied to almost any common issue.
We would like to share with society the experience and results obtained by applying these principles in the real world. Unlike what politicians would like us to believe, we find day after day that there is a more efficient and rational way of doing things.

In this difficult moment of crisis, we do not need to agree on ideologies (because, deep inside, we all have our own), what we need is to agree on the lowest common denominator (the basics), and how to achieve it.

This lowest common denominator is that we have not caused this crisis, and even if we ever had any responsibility on it, we already paid for it; those who really caused the crisis should be the ones who pay for it, literally.

Only Governments arisen from this system, lacking of Just Democracy and in service of those who caused the crisis, disagree.

Therefore our society must hold a method to remove this obstacle and reach the minimum accord that people already have found. The Citizen’s Network X Party is this method.
It is not ideology, but logic and pragmatism. Politicians are the only ones interested in polarizing the system. #JustDemocracy reduces discord and extends the consensus transversely. It does not mean not to choose between various options. It is an cross-cutting agreement between citizens on basic points, in an emergency situation.
Everyone has their ideology and faith on the inside. The people working in the Citizen’s Network X Party agree on the method and the objectives: citizens must now take the control of their future.

# Why the name ‘X Party’?

The X is the unknown variable. It represents the party that, instead of preserving its privileges, will commit itself in establishing a real democracy. As there is no political party willing to do it, then the X represents the citizens, the Citizen’s Network that will kick them out of their seats.


# Who are you?

We are citizens, normal people like you, of any age or profession: workers, students, housewives, retired or unemployed; we are tired of a system that forgets us and leaves us bankrupt. Some of us have been always active and committed to different fronts. For some others this is our first approach to a project looking for change. Any other person supporting Just Democracy may cooperate with us. Our goal is to achieve a campaign based on work, communication and action with the purpose of returning sovereignty to its citizens.

# Is this an anonymous political Party?

We want to put an end to politics based on a the egos of political leaders. We do not want to fall into the logic of work of traditional parties, where only what the leader does and says matters. Facts are what is important, not names. They have made us believe that the leadership-based system in political parties is the only one, that there is no other possibility, but that is not so.

We want the work we do to become what really matters, not names or spokespeople.

# When will you show your faces?

We are already many in collaboration with the Citizens’ Network X Party, and you will be probably able to meet us in your town soon. There will also be faces but always linked to what they are competent at, to what they know how to do.

In any case, the moment we run for elections, the people who will be in charge of managing the common assets of the network (not necessarily the promoters of the project) will be chosen publicly. We will know their names, CVs, assets and so on, all in advance. We will show our faces, but they will be the ones of the people devoted to achieve specific goals, not to just for the sake of winning elections.


A lack of trust in political parties is a healthy exercise. Very healthy. We want to put an end to the passive stance that political parties propose when they say «don’t worry, we will take care of everything».
We want a watchful society. We want to win people’s trust through facts, step by step, showing we are consistent and faithful to our words.

Don’t look away. Give us your opinion and critiques and contribute to the network. We strive to improve. Your opinion matters. And above all, be active; it is up to us, the citizens, to achieve #Just Democracy. This is what scares them most: a network of citizens organized towards their common goals.
How to take part:


# Has your method been tested before?

Yes. It is based on the scientific method, on the methods used for the development of free software and also on the «90-9-1» Theory. Great progress has been made in society by using all of these rational methods.

# How do you work?

By sequential participation and federation of competencies.

# What does sequential participation mean?

To build a fully operational democracy.
This is the method we propose to you, the citizens, together with the strengths and skills at our disposal, in order to achieve quickly and efficiently all of the steps necessary to reach Just Democracy and to leave the crisis behind in the way that is most beneficial to society.

This means:

  • We focus on one topic at a time, not all at once.
  • For every task, we always work to a fixed schedule. We avoid working in an un-organized way, with no milestones or deadlines.

The phases are:

  • The creation of a text based on proposals consistent with the ideals of the network or the creation of a list of people which tracks existing knowledge in our civil society.
  • Publication of a consistent proposals’ text or the list of people.
  • Documentation / information phase.
  • Amendments and inputs phase.
  • Compilation of inputs and their classification into accepted or not accepted by the group.
  • Text / list review taking into account amendments.
  • Publication of the final amended text / list with explanations about modifications.
  • Implementation / voting.

Once these phases are over and done with, and in order to prevent loss of energy by rethinking everything all the time, the text is closed, not to be reopened until it has to be implemented into law.

# What is federation of competencies? How does it work?

It is neither a hierarchical nor an assembly-basis organisation. It consists on federating competences and skills and grouping them in nodes in which these skills are taken fully into account, as well as people’s implication with the project and their respect to other people’s work. For these reasons, we also take very much into account people’s empathy.
These skills and the degree of involvement both change as people learn, acquire abilities and are willing to assume more tasks.

# How are you organized internally?

The structure consists of a Kernel/HUB (which coordinates all the areas and nodes), a work centred Matrix, Territorial Nodes (groups in specific locations around the country), Thematic teams, sympathizer and many other people that, while not strongly involved in the Network and the intensive work it implies, support it and assist in communication tasks.

The Kernel is the group of people that works more intensively, gives support to the network, coordinates the different nodes and working groups, and makes sure goals and deadlines are achieved. Kernel members are strongly involved and have a general overview of the ongoing work. These people spend many hours and know deeply the working method or some of the specific areas.

In the same way, within the thematic teams (those focused on specific topics) which are born from the work carried out from the Kernel, there are people involved to their fullest. These people organise and provide stability to those teams, as well as supporting the network.

There are always collaborators and sympathizers around the network who, with more or less involvement, provide with their work, give support and spread information about the work that it is being done.

Depending on the level of involvement and specific skills, people can move from one to another of these workspaces, they are not closed groups.

# How are decisions made? Who makes these decisions?

Decisions are made by the Citizens’ Network X Party itself taking into consideration the different implications, the recognition by peers around the work done, the proven skills in different work areas, the rigorous achievement of common goals and the respect for the working method and the time the people have been involved in the network.

Furthermore, people working on a particular aspect, either in the Matrix, the thematic teams or the Nodes, have a greater say than others who have not worked on it. Generally, work is done autonomously and transparently, so that the people in charge of certain specific areas make decisions about their current work and they have to stop only when the network itself detects a problem, in order to bring it discussion.

All these skills and the degree of involvement both change as people learn, acquire abilities and are willing to assume more tasks.

# What are the thematic teams?

Thematic teams are in charge of collecting, according to our method, the solutions already provided by society and capture them on a document which can later be used for their implementation. Thematic teams are built as the various topics to be dealt with are faced. They are composed of people from Citizen’s Network, expert collaborators and people engaged in the specific subjects.

# What is the role of the Territorial Nodes (groups in different locations around the country)?

The main function of the Territorial Nodes is to be active in the locations in which they can be found. At the same time, they keep in touch, through those members that wish to do so, with the general Kernel and thus can be participant of the developments being carried out in that workspace.

The global citizen’s network functioning scheme is replicated: kernel-supporters. Always based on the respect for the method and the X Party’s programme, they work autonomously after having prepared in several training workshops to advance hand in hand with nodes, which already use networking.

# How do you plan the network to grow?

The purpose of all these steps is to make an efficient and robust network, able to carry out objectives and be harmonious and in line with all its parts. In order to grow, we use a robust protocol that allows us to work on absolute trust between nodes. We want each node to be able to operate freely and independently, since they already will have the trust of others.

There is no point in having an indiscriminate growth that subsequently makes the network inefficient and inoperative. We only stand a chance to prove that the citizens are better than them and we need to work thoroughly in order to avoid making any mistakes.

# How it is financed?

Nowadays our expenses are minimal. The web server has been the only input, which has been defrayed by small contributions from people working on the project.
The assets of the party are public and equal to zero at the present time.
In 2013 the costs of the domain and the web server were 12.9€ (10.66£) and 25€ (20.66£) respectively (approximately, according to the exchange rate).
Many people have offered monetary contributions but they are not needed at the moment.
Whenever we have to face higher costs, we will finance them by collecting money for each objective through crowdfunding.

# How are measures made?

This is not a discussion forum. Society has already debated, and keeps on doing it, in the spaces created with that purpose over all these years. In fact, many of the solutions have already been proposed in these spaces with a broad consensus amongst society. Therefore, what is left is to capitalize on the work already done in order to implement these measures urgently.

We carry out the project in working groups by means of “sequenced participation through federated competencies”. This means we are not working on every subject at the same time nor everybody is involved in all subjects but rather each move (or checkmate) is performed once the previous one is finished. People participate depending on their interest and knowledge on the subject.

Which means:

  • We focus on a subject at a time, not all at once.
  • We always work within specified time frames for each task, in contrast to working in an unfocused manner and with no deadlines.

The phases of every «checkmate» are:

  • Creating a finished consistent text based on proposals or a list of people, tracing existing knowledge.
  • Publication of a finished, consistent text based on proposals or the list of people.
  • Documentation / information phase.
  • Amendments and inputs phase.
  • Compilation of inputs and their classification into accepted or rejected by the group.
  • Text / list review taking into account amendments.
  • Publication of the final amended text / list with explanations about modifications.
  • Implementation / voting.

After these steps are completed, to prevent the loss of energy due to having to rethink everything all the time, the text is closed; not to be reopened until it has to be implemented into law. At this stage, through Just Democracy, every topic is susceptible of being re-opened so that society can officially participate in them.

# How will the candidates be elected?

They will be elected through Citizen’s open lists. In the same way as with experts, the candidates to take part in the electoral lists will be proposed both by the Citizen’s Network and by external citizens to the network. By integrating both contributions, a first open list will be created with a larger number of candidates than necessary. All supporters and sympathizers of the citizen’s network (the people who have expressed approval for the project, that is, anyone not hostile to it), will decide who should be part of the final list through a process of verification of candidates. [[Click here to see more details]]


# Are you going to stand for elections?

We work as a citizen’s lobby to elaborate a democratic framework (Just Democracy) in order to implement the solutions proposed by society.

We do not care who is doing this, but it is done.

We have made it clear. If nobody is going to do it, we will.

# Are you going to reach agreements with other political parties?

We do not want to enter into the dynamics of the traditional political parties. They live in a different world. Our goal is not to govern (they do something like “Now it is my turn, get out of there”), but rather to establish mechanisms to guarantee a real democracy, so in the future it will not be possible to govern behind the backs of the citizens.

Justice and dignity are not negotiable. We give for free our programme to every single political party, as long as they commit themselves to implement it completely. It is, after all, “Just Democracy”.
We give it for free, but we will never legitimize the political parties and politicians that have allowed the perpetration of previous governments.

# Why do not you join another political parties?

Had we considered that there is another political party proposing the same as us, we would have worked directly with them instead of developing the X Party.

We know that almost every political party, either old or new, are announcing measures for citizens participation or the renewal of democracy. However, we considered that the measures so far proposed have serious gaps: We consider models like decisions taken by cliktivisms without weighting (agreements taken not by knowledge and real and deep understanding of problems, but rather for clicks on “like or dislike”), or aggregations around old ideological models unable to upgrade, are not up to the challenge awaiting us.

Participation is effective when done judiciously.

Democracy is not participating in any way but responsibly.

Forced agreements without criterion will just lead us to fratricide wars where there could be collaboration from complementary positions.

Citizens will only have a chance to prove we can do better and more efficiently than they do. For such reason, we must be efficient because we have to act urgently. Our method is based on the effectiveness of network democracy: A method to achieve goals quickly being strict with priorities, programmatic with decisions and careful with contents regarding small details, which build democracy and prevent demagogy of apparently consensual easy solutions.

# What kind of relationship do you have with other social movements?

We do not believe in political parties as the only tool for participation. Political participation is something happening in many different spaces. Social movements play a key role: They are fundamental lobbies and, in many cases, they have proposed multiple solutions that must be implemented in order to solve pressing problems.

For this reason we are constantly in contact with all these spaces, either social movements, independent organizations or people really doing a programmatic and propositional work for change.

Many of these people participate also in Citizens’ Network Partido X as individuals (Citizens’ Network Partido X is composed of individuals, not collectives).

Citizens’ Network Partido X is a net of adult and jointly responsible citizens willing to work to achieve concrete goals, independently from the activity performed by its members in different spaces.


# What is your programme?

You can visit the link


# What happen with the people without Internet connection?

Regarding the X Party proposal, every single mechanism listed in “Just Democracy” includes physical and non-online alternatives, such as, implementation of analogical systems for participation and voting at Mail offices and Town Halls.

About dissemination, Internet is a very powerful tool connecting citizens, but we are aware that we shall reach those wihtout intenet access. To do this, we need all the help we can get from all of you. Everybody has to deliver the information to those who do not have it yet and help them understand it.

Furthermore, people interested will have an access to Citizen’s Network X Party in our local nodes.

# Are you going to comment on current issues?

No, we are not giving opinion on everything, as it is usually done by the political parties. We work and launch programmatic actions periodically in order to achieve what is explained on this web site. If we have an opinion on something, it is because we have worked on the subject and we have a position to defend, like in “Just Democracy”. The opposite would be just talking.

# How to take part:

You can visit

# How can I keep updated?

Sign up here in AgendaX (X Schedule) distribution list, our informative schedule. Does not commit you to anything, does not give a membership, we only need a lot of people receiving information in order to make their own assessment with good criterion.

# Are you going to modify the Spanish Constitution?

That is not the way we approach to problems. We do not ask ourselves a priori if we are going to modify a law. We change it if it is for achieving the targets previously set. We propose a number of mechanisms, a plan, for the existence of a democratic framework allowing decision-making controlled by citizens, as well as for the implementation of solutions already given by society.

If for accomplish this it is mandatory to modify the Constitution, it will be changed, as well as many laws as necessary. If you take a look at the programme “Just Democracy”, it already mentions the laws necessary to be modified, the Constitution among them.

# Does the implementation of “Just Democracy” solve all problems?

No, it does not. “Just Democracy” seeks to create a framework for carrying out the solutions already given by society to many problems that we are currently suffering and to stop political parties and governments of acting without being controlled.

For this reason, because unfortunately “Just Democracy” is not enough to exit from this emergency situation we are in, we also propose other countermeasures:


For further information:
Partido X: ‘No queremos delegar nuestro futuro en ningún tipejo, por eso mantenemos el anonimato’ – Entrevista en LaInformación
«En el Partido X somos profundamente apartidistas» –